Sunday, November 22, 2020



Where the television of the past… …becomes the conversation of the present.

Join us as we take a nostalgic journey through the television vaults, and my guests and I investigate, discover, enjoy, and chat about a whole world of televisual delights, with some occasional nonsense thrown in from time-to-time.

Episode seven crosses a rubicon, in that I actually ended up having a long conversation with somebody who people have actually heard of, and who I didn't know socially, and, instead of running away and generally hiding under a rock hewn out of my own sense of inadequacy, it all turned out to be a rather lovely experience, even if it did lead to a few days of frantic editing.

Once I got over my own fears, episode seven ended up having a plethora of riches as, having decided that it might be appropriate to try creating a DOCTOR WHO themed edition to coincide with the latest anniversary of the show, I chased up a few people who seemed rather eager to allow me to have a natter with them for VISION ON SOUND, and ended up with far more material than our hour-long format required.

So, I ended up with a couple of hours of extra material which - you'll hopefully be happy to hear - is destined to end up on more than one of our future editions.

In the course of this episode, I have a nice chat with our old friend ANDY PRIESTNER (the northern hemisphere half of THE WORLD ENOUGH AND TIME podcast), an extract from a much longer friendly chat with HAYDEN GRIBBLE who is one third of the current team presenting the DIDDLY DUM podcast, and the first part of a very long chat with actor, comedian, and all round DOCTOR WHO polymath TOBY HADOKE (who was rather lovely to give this budding broadcaster so much of his time on one Tuesday morning in October).

And, because I am me, it was a genuine thrill to talk with someone about QUATERMASS at some enthusiastic length - and that will turn up in a future episode you can be sure of that.

All-in-all, I think it's a pretty good episode, and I hope you'll agree.

First broadcast on FAB RADIO INTERNATIONAL at 19:00 on November 22 2020

In the seventh edition of VISION ON SOUND, we present the perhaps inevitable DOCTOR WHO "special" because, as soon as I became aware that we would be broadcasting on the evening before the 57th anniversary of the show first being broadcast, it seemed a rather reasonable peg to hang a themed programme on.

And so, having tried to suppress my usual fears, I managed to corral three reasonably high-profile fans of the programme to talk about their experiences as three of the more public faces of DOCTOR WHO enthusiasm.

ANDY PRIESTNER returns to tell us a little about WORLD ENOUGH AND TIME, a podcast he co-hosts with his New Zealand-based sister. HAYDEN GRIBBLE from the DIDDLY DUM podcast features in the first part of a lengthy interview that we will be returning to in future editions. Finally, the actor and comedian TOBY HADOKE features in the first segment of a long conversation that we had remotely in October.

PLEASE NOTE - For Copyright reasons, musical content has to be removed for the podcast edition. All the spoken word content remains (mostly) as it was in the broadcast version. Hopefully this won't spoil your enjoyment of the show

You can catch up with this edition via:

"It's mostly the same as the broadcast edition. Mostly..."

Meanwhile, back at VoS HQ, in the week leading up to the transmission of VoS07, the productive half of the household was on holiday, which meant that I too was on a kind of holiday and (sort of) took a break from the busy world of podcasting in order to keep her company rather than keeping out of the way like I tend to have to do in the daytime when she is working.

I say "sort of" because Monday morning involved a remote conversation with Sandy for a future edition of VISION ON SOUND that we'd had to postpone for technical reasons from the week before.

Then on Tuesday, I fulfilled a long-standing promise to make guest appearance on A. N. Other podcast which was kind of fun despite a little confusion right at the start, so that filled up another morning, although, as usual, one small facet of the aftermath involved the voices inside my head screaming "Why did you say that? You've made such a fool of yourself again!" for the rest of the day.

Also, a couple of nights of horrific insomnia found me up at the crack of wotsit and so I was, at least, able to edit the conversation from Monday into a big enough bite size chunk to fill that 45-minute gap in Episode 11 that it was intended for.

And with that done, I was able to lock the transmission edit for that edition before taking the radical decision to drop the unedited chat into the podcast version for once and give the listener some "bonus content" for once.

Then I took a couple of days away from the computer in order to get my head together (or, more honestly, sit and ponder darkly upon quite why we're not finding our audience and whether it's all really worth the effort...) before remembering that I hadn't actually written this blog yet, and that brings us all pretty much up to date.

As ever, we would recommend that (if you can – I know that you’re all terribly distracted with real-world stuff at that time on a Sunday evening), you listen to the programmes on first transmission (currently SUNDAY EVENING AT 7:00PM in the UK on FAB RADIO INTERNATIONAL Channel 1) to get the show as nature intended.

New suggestions for the show (and contact details for possible guests to interview if you know any) are always welcome. You can email the show at or contact me via the Twitter feed @VisionOnSound1 and, hopefully, we can all keep the conversation going.

As ever, thanks to PAUL RIPLEY and everyone at FAB RADIO INTERNATIONAL for what they do, and thanks to you all for taking an interest.

"I know that free movement in the fourth dimension of space and time is a scientific dream I don't expect to find solved in a junkyard!"

Take care.

Martin A W Holmes (211120)

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New episodes of VISION ON SOUND (a conversational radio show primarily themed around the topic of archive television and hosted by MARTIN HO...